
Modals are used to highlight elements showing it in foreground

Danger Modal

<Button onClick={() => setShowMondal(true)}>Show modal</Button> <ModalComponent show={showMondal} focus={cancelButtonRef} onClose={() => setShowMondal(false)} > <ModalComponent.Content> <div className='mx-auto flex h-12 w-12 flex-shrink-0 items-center justify-center rounded-full bg-red-100 sm:mx-0'> <HiOutlineExclamation className='h-6 w-6 text-red-600' aria-hidden='true' /> </div> <div className='mt-3 text-center sm:mt-0 sm:ml-4 sm:text-left font-serif'> <h3 className='text-lg font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900'> Delete account </h3> <div className='mt-2'> <p className='text-sm text-gray-500'> The contact will be deleted definitevely from the phonebook. </p> </div> </div> </ModalComponent.Content> <ModalComponent.Actions> <Button variant='danger' onClick={() => setShowMondal(false)}> Delete </Button> <Button variant='light' onClick={() => setShowMondal(false)} ref={cancelButtonRef} > Cancel </Button> </ModalComponent.Actions> </ModalComponent>

Modal With Form

<Button onClick={() => setShowFormMondal(true)}>Show modal</Button> <ModalComponent show={showFormMondal} focus={nameInputRef} onClose={() => setShowFormMondal(false)} > <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}> <ModalComponent.Content> <div className='mt-3 text-center sm:mt-0 sm:text-left w-full font-serif'> <h3 className='text-lg font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900 text-center'> Add account </h3> <div className='mt-2'> <p className='text-sm text-gray-500 text-center'> The contact will be added to the phonebook and will be available pubblicly by default. </p> </div> <div className='mt-3 flex flex-col gap-2'> <TextInput label='Name' placeholder='Enter the name' name='name' ref={nameInputRef} /> <TextInput label='Surname' placeholder='Enter the surname' name='surname' /> <TextInput label='Number' placeholder='Enter the number' name='number' /> </div> </div> </ModalComponent.Content> <div className='font-serif'> <ModalComponent.Actions> <Button variant='primary' onClick={() => setShowFormMondal(false)}> Save </Button> <Button variant='light' onClick={() => setShowFormMondal(false)}> Cancel </Button> </ModalComponent.Actions> </div> </form> </ModalComponent>